Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving Lukas got sick (again...last year he had RSV). This years illness turned out to be strep throat. Unfortunately the 103 degree fever he spiked Wednesday prevented us from going to Eric's family Thanksgiving dinner. Thankfully Lukas was fever-free (although not cranky-free), and we were able to attend my family Thanksgiving dinner.

Here's the few pictures we got:

What a yummy feast?!

Playing games on Aunt Ashley's phone.

Lukas is telling Grandma Smith how to play the games on Aunt Ashley's phone.

Walking through the leaves to the park.

He really likes the park! This is also his "ta-da" pose.

Mommy and Lukas

Mema and Lukas....look at those happy faces!

4 generations of Smiths...Mommy, Lukas, Grandad, and Grandma Smith (L to R).

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