Corina at 2 months:
- weighs 11 lbs 6 oz
- is 23 1/4 in tall
- is tracking really well
- smiles at more and more people/things. Currently the monkey on her bouncy seat is hilarious because she always smiles and stares at it when she's sitting there.
- sleeps 8-10 hours at night. Only rarely does she wake up in the middle of the night to eat.
- is now formula fed. She eats about 6-8 4 oz bottles in a day.
- coos and makes other fun noises all the time. She's pretty noisy already, so that has me a bit worried for when she actually starts to talk.
- can lift her head and shoulders off the floor for short bits of time.
- has a death grip on things that come into her grasp. Watch out if you have long hair or long hurts! And no delicate necklaces.
- loves her bouncy seat and the floor to watch the fan, but she will tolerate her swing...sometimes.
- isn't a huge fan of her carseat. Car trips are usually filled with crying if she's not asleep.
- loves Mommy, Daddy, and big Brother more and more every day!!
Adorable baby girl!
showing off those smiles
lifting her head
Brother and Sister
Lukas in his fort.