Lukas at 13 months:
- is WALKING! Oh yes, you read me right, we have a walker! He finally put it all together this past Monday (5-19-08). And while I'm totally thrilled at his new accomplishment, I'm a little worried as to what it's going to bring. There will be a video at the bottom of this post.
- is beginning to read books to jibberish of course, but he certainly knows what he's saying.
- can "high-5"
- is saying or signing his 6 words very well
- loves books, music, and puzzles
- plays very intently....he has a very long attention span, especially when he's trying to figure something out
- thinks everyone should live outside and only visit inside occasionally
- is completely in love with our cat Melody (and she with him)
- knows that shoes and socks go on your feet, hand sanitizer goes on your hands, a comb is for your hair, and where his sippy cups are and how to get them open
- eats everything but broccoli
- has had 5 ear infections since December, so we're going to the ENT to discuss what to do next
- loves his Mommy and Daddy more and more everyday!
And yes, the fall at the end was as bad as it looked. He cried for a good 5 minutes after that one.