Saturday, April 25, 2009

2 Years Old!

Since I didn't make a "23 Month" post I'm noting the milestone type things he's been doing since then.  

At TWO years old Lukas:
 - is about 24 lbs (this is currently a fluctuating issue)
 - about 36 in tall (we did our own measurment...the official doctor stats will come later)
 - knows all his ABC's visually (since 23 mo) - He won't always cooperate and tell you, but he does know them.  Thank you Sesame Street!
 - can count to five counting objects and can rote count to 13 (since 23 mo) - He does tend to leave the number 2 out a lot, but he's said it enough that I know he know's it's supposed to be there.
 - can recogize his written name
 - knows his name when asked "What's your name?"
 - recognizes Mommy and Daddy's car
 - knows all his colors...or at least the ones most used (since 23 mo)
 - speaks in 2-3 word sentences all the time...and I mean ALL the time (since 23 mo)
 - converses about concepts that are not directly in front of him - ex: L - "I see boat." (as we passed a boat shop one day) M - "Where does a boat go?" L - "Water." M - "What do you do with a boat on the water?" L - "Fish boat."  M - Do you want to fish on a boat?" L - "Yes" M - "Would you catch the fish and eat them or let them go?" L - "Let go."
 - is pretend playing 
 - remembers events and activities for several weeks depending on how deep an impression they left
 - thinks he's 5 (he told me so)
 - loves music, balls, cars, painting, books, tv, animals, and parks
 - follows dirctions well, but certainly pushes boundries.  He usually does not decide, however, to find the boundry line and stand on it.
 - is usually polite, but has definately reached the "mine" stage so sometimes politeness goes out the window.  
 - thinks everyone is his friend.
 - loves his Mommy and Daddy more and more everyday...and tells us so!!

Health Update:  Lukas went to the doctor last Wednesday (4-22-09) for a low-grade fever and a rash.  After getting there, and his doctor observing some puzzling symptoms (one of which was him being really shakey) she sent us over for a chest x-ray.  This showed his asthma to be aggitated, so we went to the pulminologist on Friday.  He told us that based on the x-ray and his observations Friday, Lukas was fine asthmatically.  We are not sure we trust this opinion, and will possibly seek out a second with recommendations from his pediatrician.  But for now, he will go for allergy testing Monday at 8:45am and back to the pediatrician for a follow-up including bloodwork on Friday at 9:30am.  Lukas is currently losing weight (he's lost about 1.5 lbs in the last 2-3 wks) while his eating habits remain the same, and he's had a drainage that is green unless he's on antibiotics since at least December.  There are some obvious questions we are seeking answers for (and some we've been seeking answers for a while).  We will keep you updated as we find them, but until we do please pray for us.  We're all worn out from Lukas being constantly sick, and getting frustrated that we can't find the answers to how to make him better.  Hopefully this next week will be enlightening!

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