Corina celebrated her 1 month birthday this past Tuesday (April 27th). I think I always say this, but I can't believe a month has gone by already. We are still adjusting to being a family of four. I won't say it's easy, but it is such a blessed feeling to have TWO amazing children.
Corina at 1 month:
- weighs 9lbs 10oz
- is breastfed....which is an accomplishment for me because I was unable to breastfeed Lukas.
- eats every 2-3 hours during the day
- sleeps 6-8 hours at night. Since Lukas was such a great sleeper, I keep waiting for her to not sleep well. I am keeping my fingers crossed, though, that she'll keep this up.
- has at least 30 minutes of awake time after each feeding.
- likes to look at contrast light and dark and lines. Lights are fascinating right now, but as long as it's a contrast she'll study it.
- studies what she looks at. She doesn't just gaze at things, she looks at and studies them.
- knows Mommy, Daddy, and Lukas' voices.
- will turn her head toward sounds. She especially likes to find and look at Lukas when he's talking.
- can hold her head up for about 15 seconds at a time.
- has some hilarious expressions.
- is unfortunately very gassy. Aside from being hungry, this is about the only thing that makes her wail.
- loves her Mommy, Daddy, and Brother every day!