Wednesday, November 3, 2010

7 Months Old

Corina turning 7 months snuck up on me. All of the sudden I looked at the date and wow, she was 7 months old. Usually I watch the dates closer than that to see it coming. Oh well, we've been really busy!

Corina at 7 months old:
- weighs about 16 lbs.
- is between 26.5 and 27 inches long. My oh-so-accurate measurement with a wiggly baby and measure tape.
- is true crawling (10-18-10) everywhere...and getting rather fast at it.
- is pulling up to her knees.
- will wave at you sometimes.
- laughs at more and more things, and the better she feels the more she laughs.
- provided she feels good, is still the most laid back baby in the world.
- observes everything.
- likes technology as much as Lukas.
- enjoys reading books.
- is still battling reflux, but we've got it mostly under control.
- loves watching and playing with Lukas. She thinks he is hilarious and amazing. I wonder how long that will last....I hope a while.
- loves Mommy and Daddy more and more every day!

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