Corina at 9 months:
- 16 lbs 9 oz
- 27.5 inches
- is very social (she waves and smiles at everyone)
- is pulling up to her knees
- loves toys that shake, music, and everything Lukas has
- does not like baby food meat (not that I blame her), but loves all the fruits and veggies
- according to her 9 month well visit is very high in problem solving and communicating (although most of hers is nonverbal), and average in motor skills
- loves her Mommy, Daddy, and Brother more and more everyday!
Corina at 10 months:
- about 17 lbs
- about 27.5 inches
- knows and uses the words Mama and Dada properly. Since she rarely "talks", keeping count of her words has been harder than it was with Lukas (who "talked" nonstop...and still does). I think she is also using 'baba' for bottle and 'buh' for Brother.
- is becoming a very good pointer. If she wants something she'll point at it.
- communicates everything. She doesn't "talk" a ton, but her nonverbal cues fill in the blanks. She's very expressive.
- waves bye
- loves music! When she hears music, especially music with a beat, she dances and grooves to the beat (and yes, she's usually with the beat).
- wants to do everything Lukas is doing. Lukas is now constantly requesting (or whining and complaining) that she stop, be moved, or just simply leave him alone.
- loves yogurt. She gets to eat it most every morning for breakfast.
- is still working on finger foods. She was getting pretty good at eating table foods at the beginning of January, but getting so sick for so long has completely thrown off her eating habits.
- has no interest in a sippy cup. She can pick it up and use it, but shivers and coughs each time she gets any water/juice in her mouth. At this point, I'm not sure if it's a reflux thing or an opinion thing.
- despite being so sick and having abnormal eating habits to change everything....we think her reflux is getting better.
- is so happy and cheerful when she feels good. She loves to clap, laugh, sing, dance, play, and explore.
- loves her Mommy, Daddy, and Brother more and more everyday!!