Lukas at 4 years old:
- weighs 31.6 lbs - This was the first well check that he only took off his shoes, his clothes were included in the weight measurement.
- is 41 inches tall.
- tested perfect hearing on his hearing screen and 20/30 on his vision screen.
- has an outlandish, huge, and amazing imagination. He can spin you a story so intricate that it feels real...if it weren't for the dragons, dinosaurs, knights, etc that are usually the main characters.
- grasps abstract concepts like heaven, family relations, family members he's never met or seen (because they're dead), and more that I can't think of right now but blow me away when he discusses.
- asks incessant questions, but is never wrong about facts (in his mind anyway) after the initial question. And he often isn't, but if he is he will not listen (to me anyway) to correction.
- is SUPER strong-willed. This will serve him well during his life, however it also presents a big problem as far as discipline is concerned. We are just lucky that in general he wants to do the right thing because when he doesn't there is no consequence (that we've found yet anyway) to make him amend his ways.
- loves technology, to discover how things work, to learn, dinosaurs, dragons, knights, cars, books, to play with his friends, to be outside, and his space station toys.
- loves God with all his heart! He enjoys reading his Bible every night, going to Bible class, going to Children's Church, reading books about the Bible stories, singing Bible songs, and discussing spiritual matters that often leave me in tears over his precious love for our Savior.
- knows his phonics. He can sound out a word so well that you'd think he was actually saying it, but he's not quite to putting it together and reading it yet. Although he's got to be sight-word reading quite a bit of stuff because he is able to tell us what stuff says sometimes and all that's there to look at is the word.
- will tell you he's a Spanish 'expert' because he is learning Spanish in school. ;)
- can write his name, but getting him to take the time to do it is another matter.
- loves his sister completely, but is also trying to figure out how to love her but not always like her. Being the older brother, he's having to learn to deal with the little sister wanting to always play with him even he (very much) doesn't want to play with her.
- loves his Mommy and Daddy always!!!
Some pictures from our family celebration.
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