This year for our family vacation, we decided to visit San Antonio, TX...mainly for the purpose of going to Sea World. We left Sept 15th and returned Sept 18th. The short version of this summary is: It was a BLAST!! We splurged on our hotel room, and booked a 2 bedroom suite (complete with kitchen and living room). It was completely worth the extra expense (which wasn't even that much). When we arrived on Thursday, we checked in and went to eat at the Riverwalk. Can't say that was the smartest choice because we were all tired and cranky from the drive. Friday we headed out to Sea World. When we pulled into the entrance, you'd have thought Lukas had been given the moon he was so excited. Other than Christmas, I've never seen him glow with delight the way he did. We arrived in time to hear the Star Spangled Banner played before they opened the park. The first thing we did was go see and feed the dolphins. After that we headed over to the kids area to see a Sesame Street show, ride the carousel, and let Lukas ride his first roller coaster. Then it was lunch time, and time to book it over to see the Shamu show. I couldn't get pictures of the kids faces as they watched due to keeping Corina from going down to see Shamu even closer, but lets just say they both LOVED every minute of it. After that we walked over to see a show Mommy and Daddy wanted to see. The kids enjoyed bits of this one, but were really done with sitting still. Then we saw penguins, sea lions, the souvenir shop, sharks, and the dolphins one last time. By the time we left everyone was EXHAUSTED, but we got everything out of Sea World that we could have (in one day that is) so we were happy. For dinner, we went to one of Eric and my favorite restraunts....La Fonda on Main. Saturday we woke up to rain. After it stopped we headed out to the San Antonio Zoo. This trip was fun, but it was so hot and muggy outside (in addition to still being kind of tired from Sea World) that we didn't stay very long. We made sure and rode the train before we left, but then headed back to the hotel for lunch and rest. That evening we went to The Market for shopping and dinner. That ended up being more fun than I expected because Lukas really enjoyed looking at all the stuff. When we woke up Sunday, we were glad it was "going home day". The kids were wild, cranky, and ready for their own house. On the way back, we stopped in at The Aquerena Center in San Marcos for a glass bottom boat ride. Lukas loved it, but Corina hated it. It ended up being a long 30 minutes. We were all very glad when we finally pulled into our driveway that evening. Small side note to mention that Lukas was on breathing treatments (and inhaler while out) the entire weekend due to an asthma flare. Poor kid does not tend to do well in extreme humidity.
For chasing around two kids, we actually managed to get quite a few pictures. Here's some of the batch.
Ready to go on vacation!!

Sea World!

Some nice lady offered to take our picture. While the picture itself is horrible, at least it documents that we were all there.

San Antonio Zoo!
The fog is due to the humidity fogging up the camera. Didn't realize or I'd have wiped it clean.

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