Friday, July 31, 2015

Corina is FIVE!

At FIVE years old Corina:
- is 39 lbs.
- is 44 in.
- is very opinionated.
- loves her accessories.
- wants to do everything herself and her way.
- enjoys art immensely.  She mostly likes free drawing and painting, but sometimes will take up a random craft.
- has taken ballet for two and a half years and shows no sign of stopping.  She LOVES dancing!  :)
- learns very quickly, and enjoys doing it. 
- is a book fanatic!  She is not reading on her own yet, but is super close.
- likes to write notes, even though she has to ask how to spell everything. 
- is super girly, but also not afraid to roll up her sleeves and show the boys who's boss.
- will tell anyone who will listen how perfect she is (insert eye roll here).
- is SO excited to start Kindergarten in August!!!
- makes friends super easy.
- will readily eat macaroni and cheese, pizza, pancakes, PBJ/H, pizza rolls, strawberries, yogurt, applesauce, pretzles, and cereal.  However nearly everything else is up for debate on a daily basis.  She is a very picky eater.
- loves her Mommy, Daddy, and brothers more and more every day!!!

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