Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School

Yesterday (September 2) Lukas went to school for the first time! He is attending the Butterfly School at Riverside Church of Christ. I am also teaching a toddler class (although not his class), so we see each other several times a day. He was very excited, and had a ton of fun! Like my mother taught me, I took several pictures. Enjoy!

Eating a healthy breakfast!

Excited to have his own backpack.

Very ready to go.

Mommy made Lukas sit down for this picture.

In the car, ready to go.

At the drop of spot (the gym) for all the teachers kids. I seriously doubt he actually rode that tricycle.


Jacquie said...

Yeah for Butterfly School. I am so excited about Lukas and Lynlee being the same class!

Ashley said...

He's so adorable!!!! :)

ann said...

I think is fun to know that 2 of Dorothy Graves' granddaughters (Lynlee and Kylee), the Jan Smith's grandson, and Naomi Holland's great grandson (and Becky Cox's great nephew) are all at the same christian school.

ann said...

Wait...not sure how that happened. It is from Dorothy, but somehow I am logged in as the friend (Ann) who stayed at our house last week. I got to figure out how to get out of this.