Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Cookies

The Swayne family tackled Christmas cookie making and decorating this past Saturday (12-19-09). The cookies did get made, however this is a project I only want to tackle once a year until Lukas is older.

After cutting them out, Lukas then decorated with red, green, and colored ball sprinkles. I would have taken a picture of this process, but I was too busy trying to contain the sprinkles to the cookies (and not the floor). Glad I have a whole year to think of ways to make this process go smoother.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

He's getting so big! We SERIOUSLY need to get together. I've dropped off of facebook and my blog, but my e-mail is jenbell37@yahoo.com. Let us know when you'd like to get our boys together! It's been too long!